Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kadang-kadang some people akan terkejut if I go directly to them and said "What u did was pretty sucky" or something straight up your face kinda statement. And then aku cam oh tekejut jugak sebab kalau diaorg terkejut means benda tu teruk cam teruk kot utk dicakap depan muka? There's this one time aku pernah marah dengan makciknye dekat these group of teenage boys yang tak bagi orang tua depan MUKA dia duduk siap bersembang bagi 1 komuter dengar. Hensem kan? Banyak sangat orang bodoh kat dunia. And siap boleh snickered kat aku cakap aku yang nak duduk, So I talked back and last2 makcik tu bersuara cakap "Nak..takpelah..dah nak sampai dah" -________-"" Tq auntie.

What I'm trying to say is it's better to be straight and jujur dari jadi hipokrit and gelak2. Tipulah if aku kata aku tak hipokrit since people do that to survive tapi bila dah sampai tahap sampai oh you have to pretend to fit in then aku rasa macam pure loser kot. 
Say what's on your mind but try to say it with..grace? Or something like that. Rather then laugh along while holding a knife on yer back ok lame.Or maybe a keyboard.

Friendship & love usually come at the weirdest moments and places.

1 comment:

Ayla Johan said...

Bagus Yo. I would do the same darling.
Kadang-kadang Ayla rasa nak bawak spray nyamuk and spray kat muka dia org yg degil.
Sangat annoying!